VAXBaby 07: One thing before your first well-child visit

Before you attend your first well-child visit, I want to give you a heads up on something you may not know. This is a bit of a summary of some other topics I cover more in detail, but I’m guessing you might watch this first and wanted to alert you to a few things in case you are only able to watch this one video. If you don’t have a support network of more experienced mothers around you, you may have a lot of questions about your infant at this appointment. Your doctor will probably be able to answer all of them. UNLESS those questions are about vaccines. Because the number of mothers who are questioning vaccines has exploded, doctors can be less than thrilled to have another mother in their practice who might question the wisdom of their most tried and true procedure. It’d be like getting pulled over by the police for speeding and asking them, “Are you sure you even know how to write a ticket?”