The Tribal Instinct: New Book, Available Now
Greetings friends. I've been very busy writing these past few months and have a new book I'd like to share with you. It's called The Tribal Instinct. The subtitle is "The Sacred Desire for People and Place."
Greetings friends. I've been very busy writing these past few months and have a new book I'd like to share with you. It's called The Tribal Instinct. The subtitle is "The Sacred Desire for People and Place." Many of you will know I've spoken about the concept of tribes in the past. As I researched things, I began to realize how important the role of tribe should be within our lives. I started noticing people everywhere talking about their people. Most importantly, I realized that we've completely lost any sense of tribe in our modern lives.
The Tribal Instinct is a book that explores who our people are and where our place is. As the book puts it, "Tribes are the way in which humans define people and place." This is a conversation many people are starting to have because of the way in which civilization often appears to be crumbling around us. In a stable nation that can guarantee our safety and prosperity, the need for tribes feels remote. Because we are moving away from such a thing, people are naturally beginning to feel the pull of finding their tribe.

If you are easily offended, this book is not for you. It addresses things like race and faith and other controversial topics in a way you are unlikely to hear anywhere else. Regardless, it's a conversation that needs to happen, a dialogue others appear unable to talk about frankly.
If you've read this far, I will let you in on a little secret—this is actually the first of three books I'm releasing this week. They are all related to a more ambitious project I will be announcing alongside one of the other books. You can find them on my personal website or through my author page on Amazon.
I will send out a few more emails this week to celebrate the launch of these things. For those of you more interested in my vaccine-related work,I am working on a book that I think you will find very interesting. So please stick around while I try and figure out a way for us to find our tribes.