Ep 208: The Biggest Reason Transhumanism Terrifies Me

Are you “trans?” Most of the world is actually trans, it would seem. Trans—not as in transvestite or transgendered, but transhuman—a much more terrifying concept that I wrote about in my 2017 novel, Massa Damnata—soon to be a trilogy. How do you know if someone is transhuman?

Are you “trans?” Most of the world is actually trans, it would seem. Trans—not as in transvestite or transgendered, but transhuman—a much more terrifying concept that I wrote about in my 2017 novel, Massa Damnata—soon to be a trilogy. How do you know if someone is transhuman? It depends on how you define it. There are many people who have already implanted chips into their body that will allow them to have access to locked buildings or pay for things. Others are wearing digital sensors that record and log biometric readings of their every activity. The ultimate goal, as I explore in Massa Damnata, involves tapping into your brain to provide a direct pathway into your consciousness. Your every memory might be perfectly preserved in full detail, or you might one day be able to dump yourself into a storage system that might—as long as the power stays on—give your digital soul the impression of eternal life.