Ep 210: Christians—Stop Wearing Masks. Right Now.

Stop wearing masks, right now. If you value you and your family’s health, stop wearing masks. Not only do they not work, they are likely setting the stage for many other problems. Masks were originally worn by surgeons to prevent them from spitting or sneezing into open body cavities...

Stop wearing masks, right now. If you value you and your family’s health, stop wearing masks. Not only do they not work, they are likely setting the stage for many other problems.

Masks were originally worn by surgeons to prevent them from spitting or sneezing into open body cavities. A healthy, natural immune system is very good at containing infections. But if a doctor is operating on you and has to make an incision in your body, you are providing microbes a shortcut past one of the most crucial layers of protection you have—the mucosal immune system. If you’re a surgeon, putting on a mask so you don’t sneeze or accidentally spit into your patient might seem like a pretty good idea.