Ep 217: The Bible—Not a Collection of Fortune Cookie Statements

I want to tackle an important subject—the nature of the Bible itself. I can guarantee this will generate some incredible responses but if you're interested in my opinion on this, take a listen—it may be different than what you're used to hearing.

I used to spend a lot of time researching and writing about the danger vaccines pose to our children's health. Because I believed it was the most widespread, the most destructive, the most diabolical harm to children ever perpetrated, I was really aggressive about it. I called myself a board certified anti-vaxxer. In the time since, I've done more research, more study, more careful contemplation. I've gotten a little older. A little wiser, perhaps. And I've only gotten worse. I can't begin to describe to you how anti-vaccine I am now. Anti-vaccine is just not a strong enough term for what I am. I hate vaccines with a cosmic passion. It is almost Biblical, to borrow the phrase.